The Spirit Of The Woods
Symbolises the journey of woman back to nature.
The journey back to her human nature.
Taking her place as an integrated part of nature and not as a dislocated entity wandering around homeless in her own existence.
For each step she takes into nature
The deeper she steps towards her own true nature.
As she begins to listen
She finally becomes able to hear
And she shall hear the beat of her heart
Natures heart beating in the running rivers long
In the wild winds dancing strong
In the roaring thunder above and fire beneath
In the roots of the mountains holding ancient wisdom, in silence discrete
And she shall finally hear the heart of her own, beating her drum of life.
Her legs stumping strong and dancing fiercely by the powers of Uruz in their flesh and bones, carrying elegantly forward as a creator of life
Bjarka shapes her sacred vessel, her woomb, her hips and breasts, her feminine powers and mysteries to heal and give life. Her wisdom and intuition leading her on her path of life.
Head of huntress shaped by Inguz, creative forces, ability to realise oneself and connecting to the magic in nature, of sacred springs and trees. The merging of earth and sky.
Algiz her crown connecting her to her brothers and sisters, the animals, wild beings.
Providing inner strength, clarity and protection.
And she shall finally hear the heart of her own, beating her drum of life.
(Ullrs Bloð)
Design by: Ullrs Bloð
Hand smithed by master black smith:
Philip Lufolk