⊕WISDOM⊕ A2 (420 x 594 mm. 170g coated matt)

Not only is the symbol itself depict attributes of Odin the wise himself.
The ravens Hugin and Munin, The wolfs Gere and Freke, and Gungnir the spear that never misses its goal.
It is also working with the cycles of life and forces of nature, day and night, moon and sun, birth and death.
In my opinion nature itself is where we find the purest wisdom as nature holds the most honest teachings we will ever learn if we dare to listen.
And so holds our bodies our vessels of nature more wisdom than any philosophies our minds are ever capable of creating, but sometimes we have to stab our sacred vessel with our own spear by our own hand, to understand the meaning of sacrificing oneself to oneself.
Within gaining wisdom dwells an URKRAFT, a force of nature a power of creation that can never be tamed, as our freedom to think is the one thing that can't be taken from no man.
The next production will be made on: February 8th.
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